Tag: 2007

Posted in Reviews

Undertow Review

 Rating Preview  Fun Factor  0.0   Graphics 0.0  Sound 0.0  Single Player 0.0  Controls 0.0   0.0 Undertow may sink down into the depths of the…

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Posted in Features Reviews

Mass Effect Review

The science fiction genre provides endless fodder for video games, because it is one of the few ways, apart from the movies, to let players…

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Posted in Features Reviews

Assassin’s Creed Review

Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft Montreal’s long awaited action-adventure title, offers an innovative story, incredible graphics, and a ground-breaking control scheme that takes context sensitivity to new…

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Posted in Features

Game Designers on Stage: Just Who are They?

When you think of Gears of War, generally one face comes to mind, and it’s not Marcus Phoenix but rather the game’s lead designer, Cliff…

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Posted in Features Reviews

Wolf King Keyboard Addon Review

The WolfKing Warrior is an add on to the keyboard (and yes, you can still use your keyboard while working with the Warrior) and features…

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Posted in Features

Super Paper Mario

Super Paper Mario is the latest a series of innovative Paper Mario games, but it is the first that I’ve had the opportunity to play. …

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