Tag: 2007

Posted in Features Reviews

Jeff Gerstmann, GameSpot and Game Reviews

Wow where to start on this one? As we all know by now Jeff Gerstmann a vet at gaming reviews was fired recently from GameSpot…

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Posted in Features Reviews

Star Wars Battlefront Review

Ehhhh….Is this a game that YOU want?Star Wars: BattlefrontAwesome! There is actually a star wars game where you don’t play as a Jedi? Then this…

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Posted in Features Reviews

DS- Pokemon Diamond Review

Pokemon Diamond Its baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack, but is it better than ever? One way to find out… Story: 8 As usual, you are trying to become the…

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Posted in Features Reviews

Let’s Rock Up This World Rock Band Review

Lets rock up this world! Rock Band [Xbox 360] This game is incredibly awesome if you love rock. Before I say anything, this game is…

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Posted in Features Top Ten

The 5 Worst Things About Gamestop

Let’s face it; Gamestop has become a necessary evil nowadays. The mom and pop gaming joints have been crushed under the corporate boots of Gamestop…

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Posted in Interviews

Chair Entertainment Group Interview

Recently, Ichabod13 had a chance to interview Donald Mustard, Creative Director at Chair Entertainment Group, and discuss Undertow and future projects. Your team has experience…

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