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Posted in Features PC Reviews

Ionball 2: Ionstorm Review (Steam Version)

Playing Ionstorm was a bittersweet experience for me; it felt like meeting a long lost childhood friend and being dazzled at how much they'd grown….

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Posted in PC Reviews Reviews

Knightmare Tower Review (Steam Version)

You know how it goes. You're taking a well deserved rest from your knightly duties, playing on your DiversionLad, when suddenly a summons comes from…

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Classic Games Overlooked by Gamers
Posted in Features

Classic Games That Are Overlooked by Gamers

There have been thousands of video games unjustly overlooked over the years. Some were copies of better games; others were simply not interesting enough to…

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Most anticipated pc games at E3 2014
Posted in Features PC Reviews

PC Games Most Looked Forward To At E3

You cannot be a gamer and not know what E3 is all about. It would be like being a fan of cars and not knowing…

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Posted in Features Xbox One

Watch Dogs For Xbox One Review

I had a lot of expectations for Watch Dogs as I viewed in my head as my first serious Xbox One game. Oh, sure, I'd…

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Posted in Features

The Wolf Among Us Episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing review.

There was a crooked man, who walked a crooked mile… So goes the start of the Crooked Man children's rhyme and, in trying to follow…

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