Assassins Creed III: Liberation For Playstation Vita

Assassins Creed III: Liberation is one of the most eagerly-awaited PlayStation Vita games of 2012. It was released on October 30th alongside the console version of the game, which itself was released on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PC. Previous games in the series have become some of the most popular games of recent times, so does Assassins Creed III: Liberation live up to the hype?

The Plot

Assassins Creed III: Liberation is based in New Orleans and Bayou at the time of the American Revolution (compared to the setting of the console version, which takes place at the same time in New York and Boston).

It features Aveline de Grandpré as the female assassin who is recruited to the Assassin Brotherhood, and the plot focuses on the slave trade. Essentially, this is a side-story to the main game, and inevitably the story is smaller compared to Connor’s character and story in the console version.

The narrative is engaging, albeit predictable at times, and the protagonist is an enjoyable and sympathetic character as she makes her way through different settings, jumping through trees and over buildings and carrying out her lethal missions. The setting is also absorbing, if not on the same scale as the console game.

Make Use of Disguises

One feature of the game that is certain to divide opinion is the use of disguises. This new feature allows Aveline to change outfits to become a slave or a lady, and each persona allows her to merge into her surroundings better. For example, as a slave she can infiltrate the other slaves and get closer to her targets, and as a lady she can bribe the guards and walk through the streets safely, but her jumping and climbing skills are limited as a result.

Some will like this feature, and the disguises allow you to be more stealthy. However, sometimes the game forces you choose a disguise, which may prove to be annoying.

A Game of Stealth

With the console version of Assassins Creed III, the series has changed its focus slightly to rely more on action. As a result, the focus on stealth in the PlayStation Vita version can be seen as more in line with the original games, which may please some fans.

Frustrating Controls

One of the main problems that players are likely to experience is with the controls on the Vita. The Vita feels it necessary to force you to use its special features, such as using the camera to decipher messages, and this can get annoying. The touch controls can also be frustrating, especially when you are riding in the canoe. However, although these do get in the way, they are not enough to prevent players from enjoying the game.

A Rich, Absorbing Game

Overall, Assassins Creed III: Liberation is an absorbing game that is one of the best titles to be released on the PlayStation Vita this year. The missions are well designed, the characters are interesting, the setting is beautiful and atmospheric, and the assassinating is a lot of fun.

It may not be a classic, but it is a very assured spin-off, and as long as as you do not constantly compare it to the larger console version you will find playing it an enjoyable and engrossing game.

Assassins Creed image from

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