Top Five Sonic Games Of All Times That Every Gamer Ought To Try Out


Sonic The Hedgehog in action

Sonic games were invented by Sega and their fame successfully replaced Alex Kid. It defeated a lot of other creations amidst flurry of new games being created literally every other day. Sonic has come a long way since its launch in late 1991 and several games released later on, have lots  of goodies in their kitty, which the original creation lacked. Without a doubt, Sonic games are amongst the best video games and they have risen to such a level that they have nothing to do with the success of other popular games, like Nintendo's Mario.

Sonic games were a strong competitor against Mario games and their acceptance was acclaimed by 50 million copies sold across the globe. The similarity between Sonic and Mario games are maneuvering the ways through the tunnel and differences are in terms of cast of characters, including hedgehog. The fact that it has lots of elegant, runs at supersonic speeds, and highly appealing graphics have kept a strong façade on the Sonic game’s identity. Here are the five best sonic games of all times that everyone should certainly check out, and gamers can even play these cool sonic games online.

Sonic Rush
Sega tweaked the Sonic formula with the high-profile house console jaunts in the mid-2000s; it took a challenge that it would become one of the series’ most-played game. Its recurring theme of life tale is going to be Sonic and it brought the characters to the DS, wisely choosing its 3D characters, capabilities diligently and boss encounters that bridged the gap between retro-gamers and hard-line fans of the characters.

Sonic Adventure 2
If you aren’t a crazy about Sonic games, but carrying on in a complicated theme that ends with giant lizard, Adventure 2 is solid game that is as good as 3D games. The graphics are well integrated with other characters and offered Chao raising make the game fun to play; well-designed levels were fast and everything was included that one could expect in a Sonic game. It may be old or not as flashy as the latest games, but has definitely got it right.

Sonic Generations
No one can blame the game developer for being unwilling to take the Sonic games into new and interesting directions. Last year, it celebrated its 20th birthday, setting old generation Sonic generations alongside the contemporary line in ever-liked admirer-gripe showdown for the era. The cool thing about this play is that it references to all the favorite levels from the past to current; in simple words, it is a fabulous game that gamers love about Sonic, past, present, and future, like a true masterpiece.

Sonic 2
At first glance, it may not look as good as modern games, but it offers more entertainment and fun because of its size and characteristics. You would love Sonic 2 for its music, graphics, as well as speed. No matter how many times you play this game, you can never be bored of it and it is the pinnacle of 2-dimensional game-plays.

Sonic & Knuckles
At present, every gaming development company releases new bits of game with additional bells and whistles to the original title. Following everyone’s foot-steps, Sonic too developed a new game, featuring Knuckles single player modes, while retaining the overall functionality of the actual game.

This game really offers an edge over all the games, by providing a high level of approach in slightly different paths, giving ample reasons to play the game over and again.With the well-known lock-on tech, allowing Knuckles to play in both Sonic 2 and 3, this game has become the obvious choice among Sonic lovers.

So, give them a try and I’m sure that you’d love at least one of these cool games. You can even try out Sonic the Hedgehog Games online and have a blast without requiring a gaming console.

Author Bio
Cristina Luca is a hardcore gaming enthusiast who simply loves to play classic games like Mario and Sonic games online. She simply can’t live without her Sony PS3, and she often keeps gaming on her Samsung Galaxy Note too.

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