Bang Bang Racers – The Fun Starts Here!

bang-bang-racing featured image

bang-bang-racing featured image

When I was a kid the best thing to own was a SCALECTRIX racing game. I would spend hours watching my cars spin off on the corners narrowly missing the cat, picking fluff from the contact brushes. I loved banking the track up the settee and watching the cars struggling to get up and over. Those were memorable days, until the cat had his revenge and relieved himself on the track. It never ran the same after that.

Ok SCALECTRIX is still around and has a wide following, we all know that. So what do you do when you haven't the space (or the patience) to set up the track? Well of course you get a racing console game. Yes but where do you get that same sort of thrill? FORZA 4, DIRT 3 and F1 are all well and good, but they are more simulators than actual games.

Well look no longer my friends because DIGITAL REALITY and PLAYBOX have come up with the answer! BANG BANG RACING, a top down view racing game that is quirky, fun and a great homage to all those classic racing games like SUPER SPRINT and R.C.PRO –AM. It's been out on Android for a while now as BANG BANG RACING THD and now it finally comes to XBLA®, PSN® and WINDOWS®.

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With four different race car classes; N-DURA, EVO GT,PROTECH and APEX there's plenty of variety, including 20 cars, different liveries and nine courses with over 50 different configurations. This game definitely has loads to offer. With a nice split screen multiplayer option BANB BANG RACING is a barrel load of fun!

The objective of the game is pretty simple, just finish first! Easier said than done because this racer is not that easy. It's an adrenalin fueled race to the line with plenty of action including exploding barrels and serious twists and turns. The controls are straight forward, with the right and left trigger operating the gas and brake and the A button operating the turbo, which does replenish as you go along.

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Talking of the turbo you can only use this in short bursts, so learn to use it wisely. The steering is done with the left stick and takes a few goes to get used too.

BANG BANG RACING might look like a push over but you have to really put some effort in if you want to win. getting in first place is easy, staying there is the problem. The AI cars are totally unforgiving and you really have to concentrate if you want that podium spot. The more you crash, the more damage you do, and the slower your car goes. This can be sorted easily enough with a quick run through the pit area, however just remembering to do it in the middle of an hectic final lap is another issue.

The graphics are great and the whole game has a fun look to it. reminds me of MICRO MACHINES a few years ago.

The one thing I was disappointed with though, is the lack of on-line play. OK if you have 4 controllers (who doesn't?) or your mates can remember to bring their own, then multiplaying with friends is out the window.

bang-bang-racing screenshot


BANG BANG RACING for me is brilliant racing game, full of fun and excitement. Even as a single player it does the job. It's just a pity that it hasn't any online play. The multiplay is also fun, a little hit and miss, but still fun on a wet afternoon (of which there has been plenty lately).

I give BANG BANG RACING 8 out of 10 because it is a fun game and worth the money, just the lack of on-line play lets it down.

bang-bang-racing box cover

  • Bang Bang Racing
  • Developer: Playbox, Digital Reality
  • Publisher: Digital Reality
  • Xbox 360®(XBLA)
  • Playstation 3®(PSN)
  • PC
  • Android
  • Genre: Racing
  • Release Date: 6th June 2012


Author: Dayvid

3D modeller freelance writer and artist based in the UK ,gaming enthusiast

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