Uragun – Fun new Mech Shooter on Steam

Uragun mech shooter

We received a code for this new mech shooter on Steam made by KoolPlay. The base game currently sells for $15 and has a couple of bundles that can be purchased for a little bit more. It’s a 3/4 overhead single player that is pretty easy to pick up and play. With three different difficulty modes, Normal, Assisted (Easy Mode) and Infinite (God Mode), you play missions against increasing more and tougher enemies while gather resources like intel, weapons mods and other equipment expansions. There is an AI that instructs your mech about the different methods of leveling up, and an orbiting station for adding said expansions as well as giving access to a skill tree.

mech shooter
Revive Uragun mech at the mothership.
mech shooter
At mothership, use consoles to apply upgrades in the mech skill tree.

This is a fast, easy to get into shooter game. Lightweight code base, only 10.6 GB of local files, it runs smoothly. The tutorial is short and too the point, however it does not cover much about progression, how to mod and upgrade until you die and are sent to the mothership in orbit. Even then, it took a bit of experimenting to get a fuller idea of how the progression works. There are hints along the way, but some got lost in the intensity of the fighting.

mech shooter
As you clear sections of Evil AI and Guardians, use map to move to next area. Map displays rewards / mods available in each section

The pace of the game is good, not too over the top. With the ability to change to an easier mode, even one with infinite lives, one can find their way through the different areas fairly quickly. Not having played through yet, we are unable to tell if the challenges get too repetitious.

For a quick look at the action, check out a clip at https://clips.twitch.tv/CrepuscularSnappyCiderWTRuck-1pQ_u8W0tSjnfAai

mech shooter
Guardians of a sector must be defeated before moving on.
mech shooter
Sometimes its best to just boost and run.
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And there are times where you must stand and fight.

According to Screen Rant, Uragun isn’t a ground-breaking addition to the top-down, sci-fi shooter game genre, but it polishes many mechanics and features that fans of the theme enjoy. While some may find the motion controls for Mech a bit confusing and disorienting, the experience itself promises to be a replayable adventure. Personally, I found it to be a fun, easy to pickup and play mech shooter that will endure in my Steam library.

Author: Dan White

Dan has been creatively writing for various forms of media and outlets ever since third grade, starting with his first adventure story in crayon on craft paper for his teacher. He enjoys writing, but rarely has enough time for it along with his passion for video gaming and other pursuits. He still uses crayon or fountain pens at times in order to help jumpstart the creative process.

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